Monday, 11 April 2011

A is for Arbutus and Awesome!

Had a great time at our 12th annual event at Arbutus Village mall over the weekend.  Chatted with a fellow merchant who quoted me for his Slogan of the Day:  "It's nice to have a job that makes people happy".  That's exactly how I feel all the time that I'm promoting pysanky. 

It's so nice to see people returning year after year, and how the kids do grow!  Also met some very interesting new patrons, including 5 year old Jaclyn Chan of Vancouver who has already authored 2 books!  She has an amazing, vivid imagination.

Thanks to my friend Marcella, and my husband Tom for coming out to help with the throngs.  Somehow he managed to make a pysanka for the coffee kiosk owner who kindly supplied us with java throughout the weekend.  He, too, is an accomplished artist, and his art work fit in nicely with the exhibition of the Western Art Circle that displayed throughout the mall.  Last, but not least, my friend Marcia (, came by to take some photos. 

We ended the weekend by collapsing at The Flying Beaver Bar and Grill with a tray of appies and a few cool ones, while the Vancouver Canucks vs Calgary Flames hockey game played on-screen!