Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Pumpkin Pysanky and Pysanky Pumpkins

In 2004 I was inspired by Martha Stewart Living magazine to try my hand at her delightful pumpkin pysanky designs and hung them on a craggy tree branch every October.  That month saw a sudden surge in Halloween workshops and a demand for black, orange and yellow eggshell dye. 

Martha Stewart Living October 2004

These jack-o-lanterns were just too cute to be scary. 

Pumpkin Pysanky

And so were the ghosts, spiders and skeletons.

Halloween Pysanky
Some years later I created a pysanka design for a miniature pumpkin decorating contest.  Those who know me know that I'm passionate about pysanky, so decorating a pumpkin this way was a no-brainer for me. But it surprised others and the cute little entry garnered a lot of attention.  

Pysanka Pumpkin
Halloween apples?  Tricks or treats?  Yes.  Memories of carrying pillow cases for treats?  Yes. Overturned outhouses?  Yes. Halloween pysanky? No.  Now I'm really showing my age!

It's time to bring out the craggy tree branch and welcome the other cute little jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and goblins who will show up at my door for candy bars!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Knowledge is Power--the Power of Pysanky

Fall means back to school, not only for students but also for teachers!  Now is the time to plan your upcoming pysanky workshops.  This activity is fun for all grade levels K to 12 and integrates with multicultural and language arts, social studies, math and science.

If you're a teacher and haven't received your Newsletter from Baba's Beeswax, here it is.  What's in it for you?  teaching aids, money $aving tips for teachers, word scramble activity for students, and more . . . . All the best for the 2012-2013 school year!

2012 Fall Newsletter

And while I'm at it, here's a repeat of last year's Newsletter full of information, hints and money-saving tips!

2011 Fall Newsletter