Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Ostrich Pysanky - Decorating Ostrich Eggs the Ukrainian Way

This is a book that addresses some of the unique challenges of working with ostrich eggs. They’re SO BIG! Have you tried one?

Check out this link to our Pysanka Power Video Clip published on our Baba's Beeswax YouTube Channel for a book preview that flips through the pages:

Especially useful are the chapters dedicated to suitable containers, amount of dye to use, submerging the ostrich egg, sealing the hole and holding the ostrich egg while decorating.

We think it is an eggs-cellent source of information to buy on its own or to add to your collection. If you have any questions about it, please ask us.

Design Pamphlet previewed on Pysanka Power Video Clips
We were proud and honoured to feature this book in About the Pysanka : It Is Written! A Bibliography by Joan Brander (Joan Brander. Richmond, BC: Baba's Beeswax, 2007. ISBN 9781897253144).

Visit our website to discover the magic  of pysanky kits, supplies, this book, eBooks, and other books published by Baba’s Beeswax: http://www.babasbeeswax.com 

If you like what you see, comment below. If you don't please let us know how we can make improvements. We value all feedback.

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Saturday, 17 November 2018

'Twas the Night Before Christmas and other bedtime reading: This Was the Day! A Ukrainian Easter Story

A delightful story book to tuck into the stocking hung by the chimney with care. Don’t forget the cookies and chocolate milk (or wine and cheese).

Check out this link to our Pysanka Power Video Clip published on our Baba's Beeswax YouTube Channel for a book preview that flips through the pages:

In this story author Ann Kmit tells us of little Katia who learns how to make pysanky from her mother. This short story is woven in beautiful poetry and 23 pages of colorful illustrations by Phyllis Haywa. Perfect for story time, especially as an introduction of pysanky to kindergarten children. It’s just the right size for little hands (6” x 9” / 15cm x 23 cm).

We think it is an eggs-cellent source of information to buy on its own or to add to your collection. If you have any questions about it, please ask us.

Children’s Story Book previewed on Pysanka Power Video Clips
We were proud and honoured to feature this book in About the Pysanka : It Is Written! A Bibliography by Joan Brander (Joan Brander. Richmond, BC: Baba's Beeswax, 2007. ISBN 9781897253144).

Visit our website to discover the magic of pysanky kits, supplies, this book, eBooks, and other books published by Baba’s Beeswax: http://www.babasbeeswax.com 

If you like what you see, comment below. If you don't please let us know how we can make improvements. We value all feedback.

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Saturday, 10 November 2018

Seasonal Video Clip from Guy Kistka – November Remembrance Veterans Day

Remembrance Day or Veterans Day is recognized on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. It marks the end of hostilities during the First World War and an opportunity to recall all those have served in the nation’s defence.

The team of pysanky experts at Baba’s Beeswax will take time out today to attend a Remembrance Day service at the cenotaph in our community. Our playful mascot, Guy Kistka, takes time out from his usual pranks and antics, to stop during a 21 gun salute to pay respect to those who have fallen. Lest we forget.

Click here to see his animated greeting on YouTube:  

Visit our website to discover the magic of pysanky kits, supplies and books published by Baba’s Beeswax:

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Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Unique Christmas Gift: A Kid's Guide to Decorating Ukrainian Easter Eggs

‘Tis the season for giving—books, that is! And getting ready for (or longing for) spring! For the kid in all of us here’s a book to get you started (or inspired or motivated).

Check out this link to our Pysanka Power Video Clip published on our Baba's Beeswax YouTube Channel for a book preview that flips through the pages:

We think this book is a misnomer, because we find that the author, Natalie Perchyshyn, provides useful information for all ages and levels of experience! But hey, if your kids or grandkids can have a pysanky book of their own to cherish, we’re all in favour!
The 48 pages with 14 chapters in this spiral-bound book contain easy to follow instructions with clear, full-colour illustrations. Show off your beautiful work and never be afraid of an egg again!
We think it is an eggs-cellent source of information to buy on its own or to add to your collection. If you have any questions about it, please ask us.

Children’s Design Book previewed on Pysanka Power Video Clips

We were proud and honoured to feature this book in About the Pysanka : It Is Written! A Bibliography by Joan Brander (Joan Brander. Richmond, BC: Baba's Beeswax, 2007. ISBN 9781897253144).

Visit our website to discover the magic of  pysanky kits, supplies, this book, eBooks, and other books published by Baba’s Beeswax: http://www.babasbeeswax.com 

If you like what you see, comment below. If you don't please let us know how we can make improvements. We value all feedback.

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