Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Pysanka Power Podcast – Episode 6

If you're still sitting on the fence and not sure if writing pysanky is for you, or if the clock is just running out before Easter, Episode 6 of the Pysanka Power Podcast gives some other methods you can try. There's other types of Ukrainian decorated eggs in addition to pysanky.

As mentioned in an earlier blog, the Pysanka Power Podcast was launched in collaboration with Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio.

Now you can listen to all Episodes on your favourite podcast platform. Here's a few of them, with more being added, and of course on our website and on Nash Holos! Just search "Pysanka Power Podcast"!

We're eggs-cited to launch this new initiative for 2019! Pysanka Power Podcast aired weekly on the Vancouver edition of Nash Holos and on internationally syndicated broadcasts to 20 countries around the world on AM, FM, shortwave and satellite radio.

Thanks for listening!

Saving the world one pysanka at a time . . . . ™
We'd love to get your feedback. Please comment below with your impressions, questions, and suggestions for future episodes.
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Friday, 12 April 2019

Pysanka Power Podcast - Episode 5

Listen to Episode 5 of the Pysanka Power Podcast to learn about the technique of using pencil guidelines for pysanky. Even the most experienced egg artists use pencil guidelines as a framework to maintain geometric balance.
You'll get how to's, pointers and troubleshooting problems and solutions in this segment.

As mentioned in an earlier blog, the Pysanka Power Podcast was launched in collaboration with Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio.

Now you can listen to all Episodes on your favourite podcast platform. Here's a few of them, with more to be added, and of course on our website and on Nash Holos! Just search "Pysanka Power Podcast"!

We're eggs-cited to launch this new initiative for 2019! Pysanka Power Podcast airs weekly on the Vancouver edition of Nash Holos Saturdays at 6 pm on AM1320 CHMB or streamed online at www.am1320.com, and Wednesdays at 11 am on CHLY 101.7FM in Nanaimo or online at www.chly.caIt also airs on the internationally syndicated edition which broadcasts to 20 countries around the world on AM, FM, shortwave and satellite radio.

If you miss the broadcast, you can catch the show at the Nash Holos website www.nashholos.com. You can also get the audio archives and transcripts of the Pysanka Power Podcast at our website BabasBeeswax.com.

Saving the world one pysanka at a time . . . . ™
We'd love to get your feedback. Please comment below with your impressions, questions, and suggestions for future episodes.
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Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Pysanka Power Podcast - Episode 4

Episode 4 of the Pysanka Power Podcast is titled Traditional Pysanky Symbols. It discusses how symbols are used, the categories of pysanky symbols, some examples and what they mean. There's so many types. Our favourite is geometric patterns and these are the symbols featured in this Episode.

As mentioned in an earlier blog, the Pysanka Power Podcast was launched in collaboration with Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio

Now you can listen to all Episodes on your favourite podcast platform. Here's a few of them, with more to be added, and of course on our website and on Nash Holos! Just search "Pysanka Power Podcast"!

We're eggs-cited to launch this new initiative for 2019! Pysanka Power Podcast airs weekly on the Vancouver edition of Nash Holos Saturdays at 6 pm on AM1320 CHMB or streamed online at www.am1320.com, and Wednesdays at 11 am on CHLY 101.7FM in Nanaimo or online at www.chly.caIt also airs on the internationally syndicated edition which broadcasts to 20 countries around the world on AM, FM, shortwave and satellite radio.

If you miss the broadcast, you can catch the show at the Nash Holos website www.nashholos.com. You can also get the audio archives and transcripts of the Pysanka Power Podcast at our website BabasBeeswax.com.

Saving the world one pysanka at a time . . . . ™
We'd love to get your feedback. Please comment below with your impressions, questions, and suggestions for future episodes.
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