Tools, technique, tradition and more . . . . ask us anything about pysanky. To share our knowledge, our team of experts at draws on not only our heritage, but also over 30 years teaching pysanky to all ages and levels of experience since 1991. Today's dialogue is on tradition.
– What is the colour on a traditional Ukrainian
pysanka that symbolizes faith and patience?
Answer – Purple. To see the vibrant palette of 18 pysanky dyes from Baba’s Beeswax, open this Colour Chart on their website They also have a handy Laminated Pysanky Colour Sequence Chart explaining the traditional sequence for guaranteed results, including "orange wash"
We believe that pysanky is fun and we embrace “Panya Pysanka”, our cool, hip, and whimsical mascot character. See her here in our “Ask Us Anything About Pysanky” post and elsewhere on social media to see how we promote pysanky.
#PanyaPysanka #AskUsAnything #JoanBrander #BabasBeeswax