Monday, 21 March 2011

Dye Happy

"My dyes have sat for some time between use and have grown mold on the surface.  Are they ruined?  If not, how can I save them?  How do I store them between use so this doesn't happen again?  HELP!
Beginner in the USA

Have faith!  No, your dyes are not ruined.  Here are some tips on how you can save them and store them between use:
  • dyes can last for many years
  • their two enemies are evaporation and mold growth
  • store dyes in airtight jars (glass or plastic)
  • freeze dyes when you’re not using them to avoid bacteria growth
  • if dyes turn cloudy (i.e. showing evidence of bacteria growth) simply strain them through  cheesecloth, bring to a boil, and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • during your busy season add 1 tablespoon white vinegar to dyes to rejuvenate their dyeing power
  • do not throw away the instructions for preparing the dyes after you have made them--some dyes don’t require the adding of vinegar
  • save the instructions and tape them to your dye jars—or indicate some other warning on your jar such as “do not add vinegar”
I hope this info helps.

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