Monday, 4 July 2022

Seasonal Greetings from Guy Kistka – July 4 Independence Day USA

In the true spirit of red, white and blue, our whimsical mascot Guy Kistka, created by artist Marcia Moroz, commemorates Independence Day on July 4th. With an impressive back-drop of the Statue of Liberty he celebrates by flaunting a patriotic Uncle Sam’s hat and waving the stars and stripes.

In this video clip by Joan Brander, Guy, on behalf of the team of pysanky experts at Baba’s Beeswax wishes our neighbours to the south a very joyous holiday.

Visit our website to discover the magic of pysanky kits, supplies and books published by Baba’s Beeswax:

If you like what you see, comment below. If you don't please let us know how we can make improvements. We value all feedback.

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Saturday, 2 July 2022


We're celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first edition of Pysanky on Paper : An Activity Book for Children by Joan Brander published by Baba's Beeswax on July 15, 1997. Have you got your copy? Head on over to for this and other books dedicated to pysanky.

See a book preview here.

Friday, 1 July 2022

Seasonal Greetings from Guy Kistka – July 1 Canada Day


Our whimsical mascot Guy Kistka, created by artist @MarciaMoroz, joins with other Canadian cultural icons to celebrate Canada’s birthday on July 1st. Three oceans, 31,752 lakes, 243,000 km of coastline, one amazing country.

In this video clip by Joan Brander, Guy, on behalf of the team of pysanky experts at Baba’s Beeswax wishes everyone a Happy Canada Day, La fête du Canada Day! Святкуємо День Канади!

Visit our website to discover the magic of pysanky kits, supplies and books published by Baba’s Beeswax:

If you like what you see, comment below. If you don't please let us know how we can make improvements. We value all feedback.

Thursday, 30 June 2022

Ask Us Anything About Pysanky – tradition`

Tools, technique, tradition and more . . . . ask us anything about pysanky. To share our knowledge, our team of experts at draws on not only our heritage, but also over 30 years teaching pysanky to all ages and levels of experience since 1991. Today's dialogue is on tradition.

Question – What is the traditional Ukrainian pysanka symbol for good farming?

Answer – Rakes.

To see examples of different symbols, watch “My First Pysanka - Symbols my Baba taught Me” featured on our YouTube Channel (Baba’s Beeswax / iluvpysanky) | Book Preview Playlist. Here’s the YouTube link Then head over to to get a copy of this book for your own collection.

We believe that pysanky is fun and we embrace “Panya Pysanka”, our cool, hip, and whimsical mascot character. See her here in our “Ask Us Anything About Pysanky” post and elsewhere on social media to see how we promote pysanky.


#PanyaPysanka #AskUsAnything #JoanBrander #BabasBeeswax

Monday, 27 June 2022

Everything I learned about pysanky

Discover the magic of pysanky with more than 48 creative designs from Baba’s Pysanky Boutique – a different one for almost every week of the year! When it comes to Ukrainian Easter eggs, Baba's the best teacher as shown in our touching Everything I Learned About Pysanky Collection of apparel (more than just T-shirts), gifts and novelty items for your home or office (greeting cards, mugs, etc.). Celebrate your Baba by wearing apparel in this Collection. This unique design is also featured on a variety of gifts and novelty items.

See the Collection here.

#CafePress #pysanky #UkrainianEasterEgg #BabasBeeswax #JoanBrander

Friday, 24 June 2022

Friday Funnies - hey pal

Discover the magic of pysanky humour with some Friday levity one joke at a time. Nyuk nyuk. Hey pal, where are you getting the eggs? Today is Friday and who couldn’t use a little pysanka humour to start off the weekend? Credit for this one goes to ©Stoney


#PysankaHumour #BabasBeeswax

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Ask us anything about pysanky—technique

Ask us anything about pysanky—tools, technique, tradition and more . . . . To share our knowledge, our team of experts at draws on not only our heritage, but also over 30 years teaching pysanky to all ages and levels of experience since 1991. Today's dialogue is on technique. 

Question – What happens when I tilt the kiska on the egg? 

Answer – The liquid beeswax cannot flow out easily. The kistka should be perpendicular to the egg. 

We believe that pysanky is fun and we embrace “Panya Pysanka”, our cool, hip, and whimsical mascot character. See her here in our “Ask Us Anything About Pysanky” post and elsewhere on social media to see how we promote pysanky.


#PanyaPysanka #AskUsAnything #JoanBrander #BabasBeeswax

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Tuesday Tips for pysanky — your kistka

Learning pysanky is easy, fun and affordable. Continuing in our bi-weekly series we have Tips and Troubleshooting for eggs, beeswax, kistka, dyes, candles, pencil guidelines, removing beeswax, emptying your eggs, varnishing your pysanky, using a drying board, displaying your pysanky and more . . . .

What’s your learning style? is it listening (we have a podcast “Pysanka Power Podcast”), is it watching (we have a YouTube Channel “Baba’s Beeswax” or “iluvpysanky” with multiple playlists), is it doing (we have a tutorial “Teacher Guide”), is it online (we have digital resources including “ZOOM” meetings), or is it reading (we have unique publications from Canada and elsewhere). We’ve been doing all this and more since 1991 and just celebrated our 30th anniversary!

Today’s tip is to use a cleaning wire to remove unwanted debris such as dust and lint from the funnel of your kistka.

To learn more about cleaning your kistka, watch this short Pysanka Power video clip “How to Clean Your Kistka” on our YouTube Channel (Baba’s Beeswax / iluvpysanky) in the Pysanky How To's and DIY Playlist. Here’s the YouTube link

Our team has you covered. You can trust the experts at
Baba’s Our Mission is to provide you with everything you need to make beautiful pysanky the traditional way from pysanky supplies and kits to workshops and books. Our Vision is to inspire and encourage beginners, experts, and anyone interested in Ukrainian egg decorating to discover the magic of one of the great traditions of all time—PYSANKY!


#BabasBeeswax #TuesdayTipsAndTroubleshooting #PysankySupplies

Monday, 20 June 2022

Have some FUN—Make a Pysanka

Discover the magic of pysanky with more than 48 creative designs from Baba’s Pysanky Boutique – a different one for almost every week of the year! Making pysanky is easy and fun using traditional beeswax, kistka and dyes See this Have Some FUN, Make a Pysanka Collection of apparel (more than just T-shirts), gifts and novelty items for your home or office (greeting cards, mugs, etc.). Have some fun wearing the apparel in this Collection, or give a unique gift to your friends and family.

See the Collection here.

#CafePress #pysanky #UkrainianEasterEgg #BabasBeeswax #JoanBrander

Friday, 17 June 2022

Friday Funnies - that's ridiculous

Discover the magic of pysanky humour with some Friday levity one joke at a time. Nyuk nyuk. That’s ridiculous! Today is Friday and who couldn’t use a little pysanka humour to start off the weekend? Credit for this one goes to ©2011 Max Garcia


#PysankaHumour #BabasBeeswax

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Ask Us Anything About Pysanky – tradition

Tools, technique, tradition and more . . . . ask us anything about pysanky. To share our knowledge, our team of experts at draws on not only our heritage, but also over 30 years teaching pysanky to all ages and levels of experience since 1991. Today's dialogue is on tradition.

Question – Are pysanky edible?

Answer – Pysanky that are made with typical aniline dyes are not edible. To learn more about pysanky dyes, listen to Episode 3 of our Pysanka Power Podcast “All About Pysanky Dyes” on your favourite app or here

We believe that pysanky is fun and we embrace “Panya Pysanka”, our cool, hip, and whimsical mascot character. See her here in our “Ask Us Anything About Pysanky” post and elsewhere on social media to see how we promote pysanky.


#PanyaPysanka #AskUsAnything #JoanBrander #BabasBeeswax

Monday, 13 June 2022

One of-a-Kind Pysanka

Discover the magic of pysanky with more than 48 creative designs from Baba’s Pysanky Boutique – a different one for almost every week of the year! Stand out from the ordinary egg in our One of-a-Kind Pysanka Collection of apparel (more than just T-shirts), gifts and novelty items for your home or office (greeting cards, mugs, etc.). You'll stand out among the ordinary wearing the apparel in this Collection. This one of-a-kind design is featured on a variety of gifts and novelty items. See the Collection here.

#CafePress #pysanky #UkrainianEasterEgg #BabasBeeswax #JoanBrander

Sunday, 12 June 2022

A Pysanka Poem Worth Sharing.

Discover the magic of pysanky one poem at a time in our monthly sharing of these words arranged purposefully with meaning, sound, and rhythm.

Just as Baba’s Beeswax inspires and encourages beginners, experts, and anyone interested in Ukrainian egg decorating, these featured authors connect us to tradition and inspire us to new possibilities.

We hope you enjoy reading Easter, by Mary (Hrenchuk) Pankiw:

Now comes Easter,

adorned with the pure radiance

            of glory,

ushered by the clarion call of


Now the air resounds with


echoes and re-echoes,

heard and unheard,

and the jubilant ringing of bells.

Now is a time of exultation,

of Life reborn,

in a world made new.

Hope springs to life;

mourning turns to rejoicing;

and faith proclaims victory.

The night is past;

and the stone has been rolled away.

O may your life reflect this light

on joyous Easter day.



©1982. This poem appeared in the Spring issue of Nasha Doroha, 2(20) in 2006.


#PysankaPoems #pysanky #UkrainianEasterEgg #BabasBeeswax #JoanBrander

Friday, 10 June 2022

Friday Funnies — Pysanky Parents

Discover the magic of pysanky humour with some Friday levity one joke at a time. Nyuk nyuk . Today is Friday and who couldn’t use a little pysanka humour like “Pysanky Parents” to start off the weekend? Anyone have a caption for this? (source unknown)

#PysankaHumour #BabasBeeswax

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Ask Us Anything About Pysanky – tools

Tools, technique, tradition and more . . . . ask us anything about pysanky. To share our knowledge, our team of experts at draws on not only our heritage, but also over 30 years teaching pysanky to all ages and levels of experience since 1991. Today's dialogue is on tools.

Question – What type of varnish should I use?

Answer – Varnish is harmful to your health and the environment. However, if you must, use a solvent-based product that is non-yellowing such as Liquitex Professional High Gloss Varnish. Others may yellow over time. Do not use a water-based product as that will wash away your dyes and ruin your pysanka. If you want to reduce your environmental footprint, use a light coating of vegetable oil instead. Watch “The Last Step – Varnish”” featured on our YouTube Channel (Baba’s Beeswax / iluvpysanky) | Pysanky How To’s and DIY. Here’s the YouTube link It reviews all the suitable varnishes!

We believe that pysanky is fun and we embrace “Panya Pysanka”, our cool, hip, and whimsical mascot character. See her here in our “Ask Us Anything About Pysanky” post and elsewhere on social media to see how we promote pysanky.


#PanyaPysanka #AskUsAnything #JoanBrander #BabasBeeswax

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Take a look. Read a book!

Discover the magic of pysanky, one book at a time. A series of ten Pysanka Power Pamphlets by pysanky expert Joan Brander of Baba’s Beeswax is available in both hard copy and digital. Topics include Trypillian Designs, Hanging Pysanky, Christmas Ornaments, Bleached Pysanky, Traditional Egg Division, Colours and Their Meanings, How to Get Beautiful Results the Very First Time, How to Empty Your Pysanky, More than 80 Pysanky Tips, and Ancient Mother Goddess Berehynia. Head over to to order your own copy.


#PysankyBooks #BabasBeeswax #JoanBrander

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Tuesday Tips for pysanky — your beeswax.

Learning pysanky is easy, fun and affordable. Continuing in our bi-weekly series we have Tips and Troubleshooting for eggs, beeswax, kistka, dyes, candles, pencil guidelines, removing beeswax, emptying your eggs, varnishing your pysanky, using a drying board, displaying your pysanky and more . . . .

What’s your learning style? is it listening (we have a podcast “Pysanka Power Podcast”), is it watching (we have a YouTube Channel “Baba’s Beeswax” or “iluvpysanky” with multiple playlists), is it doing (we have a tutorial “Teacher Guide”), is it online (we have digital resources including “ZOOM” meetings), or is it reading (we have unique publications from Canada and elsewhere). We’ve been doing all this and more since 1991 and just celebrated our 30th anniversary!

The essentials of pysanky and the important component that inspired our name! Today’s tip troubleshoots beeswax that will not adhere to your egg. This could be because the surface of the egg has moisture on it. Make sure your egg is totally dry before applying beeswax, as beeswax will not adhere to a wet surface.

Our team has you covered. You can trust the experts at Baba’s Beeswax https://www.babasbeeswaxcom. Our Mission is to provide you with everything you need to make beautiful pysanky the traditional way from pysanky supplies and kits to workshops and books. Our Vision is to inspire and encourage beginners, experts, and anyone interested in Ukrainian egg decorating to discover the magic of one of the great traditions of all time—PYSANKY!

#BabasBeeswax #TuesdayTipsAndTroubleshooting #PysankySupplies

Monday, 6 June 2022

The soul of pysanky

Discover the magic of pysanky with more than 48 creative designs from Baba’s Pysanky Boutique – a different one for almost every week of the year! Are you comforted by the power of pysanky? See our Soul of Pysanky Collection of apparel (more than just T-shirts), gifts and novelty items for your home or office (greeting cards, mugs, etc.). You'll be comforted by the heart and soul of this design while wearing the apparel in this Collection. The powerful message also appears on a variety of gifts and novelty items.

See the Collection here.

#CafePress #pysanky #UkrainianEasterEgg #BabasBeeswax #JoanBrander

Friday, 3 June 2022

Friday Funnies — Paintball

Discover the magic of pysanky humour with some Friday levity. Today is Friday and who couldn’t use a little pysanka humour to start off the weekend? Credit for Paintball goes to ©Maria Scrivan

#PysankaHumour #BabasBeeswax

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Ask Us Anything About Pysanky – tradition

Tools, technique, tradition and more . . . . ask us anything about pysanky. To share our knowledge, our team of experts at draws on not only our heritage, but also over 30 years teaching pysanky to all ages and levels of experience since 1991. Today's dialogue is on tradition.

Question – What is the colour on a traditional Ukrainian pysanka that symbolizes faith and patience?

Answer – Purple. To see the vibrant palette of 18 pysanky dyes from Baba’s Beeswax, open this Colour Chart on their website They also have a handy Laminated Pysanky Colour Sequence Chart explaining the traditional sequence for guaranteed results, including "orange wash"

We believe that pysanky is fun and we embrace “Panya Pysanka”, our cool, hip, and whimsical mascot character. See her here in our “Ask Us Anything About Pysanky” post and elsewhere on social media to see how we promote pysanky.


#PanyaPysanka #AskUsAnything #JoanBrander #BabasBeeswax